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How do I create an NvirWorld account?
Which blockchains does NvirWorld support?
What is a crypto wallet?
What crypto wallets can I use with NvirWorld?
What currencies can I use on NvirWorld?
How do I log out of my NvirWorld account?
How do I create a collection for my NFTs?
How do I create an NFT?
What file formats can I use to make NFTs?
Is there a maximum size?
How to transfer ETH to my NvirWorld Wallet?
How do I place a bid on NFTs?
How do I buy fixed-price NFTs?
How do I sell an NFT?
How can I cancel or lower the price listings?
How do timed auctions work?
What are the Service Fees?
Who pays the gas fees?
What is Layer 2 <Stay Pending> solution?
What is the One-time Gas Fee?
Nvir Market NFT plagiarism report guide
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